Prosperity On Air

[025] Finding Your Voice, Being Clear on Your Needs and Worth with Lara Noormahomed



Finding your voice means being connected with who you really are, and this allows you to create your story, design and live your life on your own terms.Many women are afraid to be what they are for fear of being stopped, criticized, labeled as selfish. Most of us have been raised in environments - home, school, church, work - where women are supposed to be, behave, speak, think, feel in a certain way.The corporate environment is one of those contexts where this conditioning is most evident. To be successful women try to fit into a way of being and behaving that is typical of their male counterparts.In today's episode of the ProsperityOnAir podcast, we will explore this topic and much more with business coach: Lara NoormahomedThis is what we'll cover in this episode:- Becoming who you really are vs trying to be someone you are not- How being connected with who you are allows you to create your own story - How women are afraid of being who they are for fear of being stopped, criticized, considered selfish- As a