America Can Be Saved

North Korea Determined to Strike USA



Remember the phrase, "Those who ignore history are destined to repeat it?"  Just prior to the horrific attacks ordered by Osama Bin Laden, President George W. Bush was presented with a Presidential Briefing entitled, "Bin Laden Determined to Strike in US."  While the average Citizen may have dismissed this warning not knowing who this guy was, I think we can all now agree that our leaders should have taken it much more seriously.  Had they done so, that catastrophic moment in our history might have been avoided. But, are we now "Destined to Repeat" history by not taking Kim Jong-Un seriously?  North Korea has never given up the goal of a United Korea or the destruction of the United States since initially signing a TRUCE in July of 1953.They have continued to provoke, train, threaten, violate, and now done everything but actually make use of a Nuclear Weapon.  We should not forget that this is the same nation that actually attacked a US Navy Ship on the high seas in 1968, took the crew captive and then embarr