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The first podcast of 2020, what the buck is up? We're loaded up and ready, where we'll be discussing Wootmaster becoming worst fan of the year, Derpy being voted #20 meme of the decade, and maybe the shit going on with Alligator Tub's YouTube channel and whatever else has been going on recently on our autistic Mongolian basket weaving horse board.Thanks to our sponsor, Alicia Scott, for today's podcast title. Remember to like and subscribe to her channels!3D Pinkie Pie video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HgLRhZT8SDw00:00 Intro02:21 Did you make any pony-related New Years resolutions?03:47 The 2019 /mlp/ awards are out!04:42 Best Thread of the Year05:40 Coolest Staffmember of the Year06:25 Best Butthurt of the Year08:02 Best Shitstorm of the Year08:09 Best Fanmade Video of the Year09:30 The Single Best Image of the Year09:41 Best Namefag of the Year09:46 Worst Fan in the Fandom of the Year12:32 Best Takedown of the Year13:04 Biggest Disappointment of the Year15:53 What Will be Missed Most From 201917:05 M