You Need A Budget (ynab)

Four Common Traits of People Who Aren't Stressed About Money



Jesse identifies four common traits in people who don't stress about money. They have a cadence for checking their money. These people  regularly check-in with their budget and watch their money. It's not a panicky, reactionary review but a planned part of their week or month. They have regular conversations with themselves and/or significant others about money. These conversations are not highly charged, hostile engagements, but calm, rational discussions about what is going on day-to-day. Often these conversations aren't about money per se, but rather the things that the money is going towards. In that sense, the conversations are more about whether or not spending is happening in accordance with their values and goals. They have clarity about their priorities, values, and goals. They give their money a job, and know why they are spending. They have plenty of cash on hand.    Sign up for a free 34-day trial of YNAB at