Mind Revolution

The Benefits of Taking a Purposeful Pause



I took a break around the holidays and, for a while, I wasn’t sure I was going to return to the podcast.  Spoiler alert: I’m back!  2020 was a beast of a year in its own right. With the pandemic, quarantines, racial and political tensions, it was anything but a “balanced” year. Despite all that, some great things came out of 2020 for me:   I continued to grow my business in the online space I learned new skills to build a thriving community  I created some content-rich and really helpful courses The year was challenging — some of it self-imposed and much of it not.  Then we decided to sell our house and move. And, with many big moves, there were some hiccups along the way. Bumps involving water leaks, contracts falling through, and deals suddenly landing on hold. Fun stuff like that.  And by the end of the year, my nervous system was exhausted and craving a break. At that point, I was uncertain about the future of this podcast. It wasn’t that I didn’t enjoy podcasting. I was just… tired. So I intentionally
