
Featuring: Nicholas Orlando James



Warning: This episode discusses adult themes. Disclaimer: The views expressed do not reflect the policy of Baobulb.org. Not suitable for children under the age of 18. YouTube Nicholas Hewlett is an improvisational jazz pianist and social activist who campaigns for Native American and First Nations peoples. We talk about the disparities within the arts and the misrepresentation of non – white or people from minority backgrounds and their lack of success within these spaces. We also delve into the history of his ancestry and the Native American people and culture and the campaigns he has worked on for Indigenous Worldwide. The Other Side of the Sun is a podcast by Solarkidd. He currently lives in London in the United Kingdom. His is a journey of self discovery. With eclectic tastes. Ranging from Ancient History to Music. And likewise, astronomy and language. Similarly, ancient alien theories. For more podcasts, our website. LinksFacebook Instagram CreditsIntro music produced by solarkidd (the A Team) @ab
