
The Tabernacle of the Lord



Charmaine Rayment is a voluntary missionary at Jews for Jesus. Charmaine Rayment is a voluntary missionary at Jews for Jesus. She has a real passion for worship ministry. Rayment has agreed to become a contributor to a podcast series called “A Life of Worship”. This is part two in a series documenting The Tabernacle: The Golden Altar of Incense. Enjoy listening. Notes from this episode THE GOLDEN ALTAR OF INCENSE PART 2 THE HORN OF PRAYER Prayer can be likened to an orchestra. One of the most obvious facts that we see when we look at an orchestra, is that there are a variety of instruments which are played by a number of musicians. And if we had to go further and look at the music score, we will notice music written for the various instruments however when all is combined, we have a harmonious sound. DIFFERENT KINDS OF PRAYER Just as we find a variety of instruments in an orchestra not to mention the variety of music that an orchestra plays, so we find various types of prayer. I Timothy 2:1 Therefore, fir
