

This week we take questions from Listeners! And talk about our play of Zombicide Black Plague!   News: Gencon games list on BGG: How to board games YouTube Contest almost there! What we have been playing? (All) Zombicide: Black Plague , Summoner Wars Questions! Jpeevo73: How can I find other gamers in my community?? Friendly Local Game Store Peterobeirne: What are some good games for my five and a half year old? Rhino Hero Most Haba games Animal upon animal King of Tokyo Flick em’ up Terror in Meeple City (Rampage) Run a D&D campaign Peterobeirne: What are your go-to "gateway games" to introduce new players to board gaming? Most any co-op game Codenames One Night Ultimate Werewolf Shadows over Camelot Dark Moon Resistance Mr_Rob: What's the difficulty in learning war of the ring or star wars rebellion or the space battle star wars game? Have patience and prepare to lose Take your time learning and