Epic Gaming Night Podcast | Board Games Table Top & Card Games

Ep 54 SeaFall With Rob Daviau



This week we talk to Rob Daviau about SeaFall, Legacy games, & Game Design!   Introduce Rob Daviau! What we have been playing!? (Roy) Masmorra (Rob D) Clash of Clans (Rob N) Splendor, Ashes: Rise of the Phoenixborn (Matt) Stellaris What are some of the games you have worked on? Bunches of Hasbro games Betrayal at House on the Hill Risk & Risk legacy Pandemic Legacy Seafall Where did the idea of a legacy game come from? Started from trying to add something new to Clue Then retooled the idea into Risk Legacy What is Seafall? “Indiana Jones in the age of sail” If you had free reign and the proper licensing to make any game a Legacy game but would it be? Seafall Golden age Justice League What is your current favorite tabletop game? 1st edition D&D back in 1983 Is there anything else you would like to talk about or promote! Chronicles news coming in the fall Sea Fall PreOrders at PlaidHatGames.com Follow Rob Daviau https://twitter.com/robdaviau http://www.robdaviau.com/