Epic Gaming Night Podcast | Board Games Table Top & Card Games

Ep 52 Lord of the Rings - With Marty from Rolling Dice & Taking Names



  This wee we talk to Marty from rolling dice & taking names all about Lord of the Rings! and what we have been playing! Check it! Introduce Marty from Rolling Dice and Taking Names! What we have been playing!? (Roy) Legendary, Hearthstone, and Tiny Epic Galaxies (Rob) Star Wars Queen’s Gambit (Matt) Star Wars Imperial Assault (Marty) 51st State and a mention of Star Wars Rebellion   Topic: Lord of the Rings   What is lord of the rings? A fantasy IP from J.R.R. Tolkien. When did you first hear of Tolkien's world of Middle Earth? Lord of the Rings Cartoon Books Movies Do you think Tolkien's work had a big influence on the fantasy genre? YES! What are some tabletop games with the lord of the rings theme? War of the Ring Risk: Lord of the Rings Lord of the Rings CCG Lord of the Rings LCG Lord of the Rings: The Miniature Game Marty what is your current favorite board game? Ashes: Rise of the Phoenixborn Is there anything else you'd like to talk about or promote? Rolldicetakenames.