Epic Gaming Night Podcast | Board Games Table Top & Card Games

Ep 47 Grey Fox Games with Josh Lebkowicz



We talk with Josh at Grey Fox games about all the awesome stuff coming out of grey fox, Expanding in to global markets, and the growth of the board gaming hobby!   What we’ve been playing: (Roy) Cosmic Encounter (Rob) Mansions of Madness (Matt) Robo Rally (Josh) A Study in Emerald, Innovation What games do you have in your current line up? Champions of Midgard A Study in Emerald Deception: Murder in Hong Kong Operation F.A.U.S.T Update on hot games coming back in print like deception? April-ish for deception. What is grey fox doing to expand into global markets? Went to Essen Making contacts at cons to help distribute Finding producers who want to make localized versions of the games What's coming out at grey fox? 7 Ronin Waste Riders London Dread What conventions will Grey Fox be at this year? Gencon Essen Dice Tower Con BGG Con Do you think board gaming will continue to grow the way we have seen in the last few years? Yes What is your personal favorite movie? Stranger than Fiction Is there