Epic Gaming Night Podcast | Board Games Table Top & Card Games

Ep 42 Illustrations with Henning Ludvigsen



This week i talk to Henning Ludvigsen about freelance Illustrations and what its like working with Fantasy Flight Games! we also talk about what we have been playing, Dead of Winter & RoboRally!   Questions: What is a illustrator? What all does your job as an illustrator involve?  What are some of the projects you have worked on? How important are good illustrations in a boardgame? What is it like working with big publishers like Fantasy Flight and Cool Mini or Not? What are some of the biggest struggles in being a freelance illustrator? What is the best part about working in the board gaming industry? Do you get to play a lot of the games that you illustrate? What is your favorite tabletop game? What upcoming projects or things your working on would you like to tell us about or promote!?   Streams at: Www.twitch.tv/EpicGamingNight   Make sure to check us out in Twitter and Instagram @epicgamingnight & @Henning_Art   Check out Henning at: www.HenningLudvigsen.com   Thanx guys!