On The Objective

OtO 349: The Salt And Light Brigade - Chad Estes



Welcome back On the Objective as your host Steven Menking sits down with Chad Estes of the Salt and Light Brigade to discuss the upcoming Christian fellowship and training event in Texas the weekend of April 9th. More information about the event can be found in the links below. It is critically important that we continue to make a concerted effort to come together as believers and to develop in both skills and spiritual maturity. A heavy yet refreshing dose of the practical will be on hand as Chad hosts the Salt and Light Brigade for another fantastic weekend of sessions in a few short weeks. Thanks again for joining us On the Objective!Use promo code MENKING when purchasing tickets to the event to save 10%Estes RanchApril 9th-11th Event Info: coachdavelive.com/eventsEmail: texas@saltandlightbrigade.orgOn the ObjectiveWebsite: http://ontheobjective.org/