On The Objective

OtO 346: Time To Trade Up - Steven Menking



Join us for another Biblical discussion of important spiritual principles in partnership with Reliance! In this episode we revisit the important idea of avoiding foolish and ignorant disputes. Surely in each one of our lives there is a pursuit that we have spent at least a dozen hours on in the past month that is not bearing as much fruit as is becoming the Kingdom of God. Perhaps this are of our lives isn't bearing any fruit at all. Perhaps it is even a practice that we know to be sinful. In any of these cases, it's time to ask the Holy Spirit to show us how we can trade up and to take any steps necessary, including repentance, to increase the fruitfulness of our walk with the Lord. The scriptures in this broadcast are from 2 Timothy 2.This broadcast was produced in partnership with Prepper Broadcasting Network through Reliance: An Exploration of 21st Century FaithWebsite: http://prepperbroadcasting.com/reliance-an-exploration-of-21st-century-faith/On the ObjectiveWebsite: http://ontheobjective.org/