On The Objective

OtO 345: Rejoice In Truth - Steven Menking



Join us for another Biblical discussion of important spiritual principles in partnership with Reliance! In the list of the properties of love often quoted as part of marriage ceremonies, one particular aspect stuck out to me as I was reading through the verses again. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices in truth. How much are we in a state of rejoicing over the truth of the gospel? Is there significance to truth being juxtaposed with evil in this scripture? How can we properly weigh the truth? What dynamic of love is applicable here? Many of these questions come into greater clarity when we consider that Jesus is the truth. The scriptures in this broadcast are from 1 Corinthians 13.This broadcast was produced in partnership with Prepper Broadcasting Network through Reliance: An Exploration of 21st Century FaithWebsite: http://prepperbroadcasting.com/reliance-an-exploration-of-21st-century-faith/On the ObjectiveWebsite: http://ontheobjective.org/