Back Talking!

19: Text Neck



We all have a love affair with our cell phones. But I remember resisting getting one in the first place. I was perfectly content having a phone hanging on the wall at home that had a answering machine attached to it. Why would I want someone to get in touch with me if I wasn’t at home or at work I used to think. Man how times have changed. Now if I forget my phone at home I feel like I have left the house naked. A 2015 survey revealed some rather startling usage rates and the amount of time people spend in front of some type of screen. All age groups spend as much time in front of a PC/laptop/tablet/phone screen as they do asleep in bed Adults 55 and older average 6.64 hours in front of a screen Adults 18-24 spend on average 8.83 hours in front of a screen! 84% admit to suffering from back pain in the past year This group loses more working days to back pain than their parents’ generation (1.5 days more) Their pain is more likely to be experienced in the upper back and neck Text Neck All of