Back Talking!

15: Lumbar Strain | Back Pain | Blab 5



In this week’s episode of Back Talking! we continue with the series “What is causing your lower back pain?” Lumbar strains represent probably the largest single cause of someone struggling with a lower back pain issue. We decide to clean out the basement,  help a friend move that old couch down into the basement, or spread a truckload of mulch in a weekend, and the next thing you know is that you can’t get up off of the floor! Lumbar Strain There is always confusion regarding the words sprain and strain. People use them interchangeably, but there is a difference in the medical world. A sprain is the tearing or stretching of a ligament, a strain is the tearing or stretching of a muscle. When someone rolls their ankle and sprains it, they have suffered an injury to the ligaments surrounding the ankle joint. When someone overdoes it working in the yard, it’s typically a muscle injury. The good news is that muscle strains recovery fairly quickly. In this case study we follow Jason