Meet Me In The Field

The Little Church Hunter



I am excited to introduce you to another Insight Timer friend. This time I speak with Lee Griffin. Lee is a coach who, as stated in her LinkedIn profile, helps “entrepreneurs explore the possibilities and invest their energy, time and resources for maximum return.” She focusses on work/life harmony and coaches how to work smarter and not harder. Her attention to giving back to communities gets me all excited. Lee and I had a great energy going right from the start of our chat. She is an excellent communicator with a warm personality and a casualness about her which made me feel comfortable immediately. I love, love, love the story she tells about her childhood church hunting, which begged this episode to be named as it is. I find it fascinating that she calls her ego Margaret and stays engaged with her/it constantly. I also have a deep respect for her commitment to doing ethical business in line with her morality and am excited to receive my Arise Coffee soon. You can find Lee on her, in construction pha