Concrete Garb - Giving The Concrete Industry A Sense Of Style!

Concrete Garb EP 33: Doug Fletcher, Fletcher Safety Consulting



Doug Fletcher has worked as a Safety and Health professional for over 23 years. He is a Certified Safety Professional (CSP) and a Certified Industrial Hygienist (CIH).   Prior to starting Fletcher Safety Consulting Inc., Doug worked for Federal OSHAs Omaha area office. During his 17 years with OSHA, he served as a Compliance Safety and Health Officer (CSHO), Assistant Area Director, and the Acting Area Director of both the Omaha and Des Moines area offices.   For much of his OSHA career, Doug served as the Compliance Assistance Specialist (CAS) for Nebraska. In this position, Doug acted as the face of OSHA for employers, employees, and other stakeholders throughout the state and the country. He was instrumental in providing training, outreach, and education on workplace safety and health to thousands of people across Nebraska and nationwide. He was also responsible for evaluating the safety and health programs of hundreds of companies, including those interested in participating in OSHA?s Voluntary Protection