Take One For The Team

Ep9 - Set Your Alarm Right - with Comedian Daryl Wright and Comedian Taquita Love



The guys clown Josh for missing his flight because he set the wrong alarm, whomp whomp, so he skypes in. They discuss how Jared and Daryl met, Al Golden being fired as coach from UM and how Jared doesn't care. Caller comedian Taquita Love is asked a Fantasy Football question and she gets it right… yay for the ladies!! More on the Saints and The Giants and if their play was too much like an Arena play. Jareds pick of the week Green Bay over the Panthers as he feels they will bounce back. Daryls background in sports, he's a basketball fan at 6'1" and played point guard in his high school sporting days, he also played some baseball and he shares so much more, you don't want to miss it.