Lean Blog Interviews

Samantha Riley on Making Data Count and Metrics for Healthcare and Beyond



NHS England, Author of "Making Data Count" Notes and links: https://www.leanblog.org/413 My guest for Episode #413 of the Lean Blog Interviews podcast is Samantha Riley, the Deputy Director of Intensive Support for NHS England and Improvement. Sam is the author of an amazing publication called “Making Data Count,” which you can read and experience freely online. Sam and I are “Twitter buddies,” as she said and I follow and enjoy her tweets, especially those using the hashtag #PlotTheDots. We are both users and teachers of (and advocates for) the use of Statistical Process Control charts (aka XmR Charts or Process Behavior Charts) as taught by the statistician Don Wheeler. Topics, questions, and links related to today's episode include: What's Sam's professional background and why it's OK that she's not a statistician Why are RAG (Red Amber Green) charts or tables insufficient? How do you have the conversation with boards, executives, and managers about RAG being insufficient? How to bring people to the
