Meet Me In The Field

The Man in the Mirror



This is the 170th episode of Meet me in the field and I am still amazed about the fantastic things that happen when I get a complete stranger behind the microphone and we start talking. Today, I speak to yet another Insight Timer friend, this time it is Dave from Dudley in the UK. What amazed me about this conversation is how much Dave and I have in common. We both walked a path through addiction, we meditate, we both do intermittent fasting, we do the cold shower at the end of a warm shower-thing, we both stopped eating meat and we both wrote a book. I really found these similarities between us fascinating. Talk about Dave’s book. He wrote a book called The Awakening of Death, by David E. Jones. It is available on [Amazon]( and theawakeningofdeath is also Dave’s Instagram account. Please follow him. I also want to tak