Uphill Conversations

89: Shama Hyder – Continued Growth + The Pursuit of Excellence



In this episode, Tim has a great conversation with best selling author, speaker, web + TV personality, Shama Hyder. Hyder opens up about her life, habits, disciplines, and her vision for the future that’s all about excellence! OUR CONVERSATION: There is no perfection; we are all a work in progress Attitude How you approach a challenge and your mindset Excellence Setting the bar higher Being value-based + Adding value Learning to ask the right questions How she handles making mistakes Sto ancora imparando – I’m still learning Daily positive habits that energize and help to remain focused You cannot control output More on excellence and less on expansion BOOKS: https://www.amazon.com/Momentum-Marketing-Principles-Business-Digital/dp/1944648747/ref=sr_1_3?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1526492403&sr=1-3&keywords=Shama+Hyder (Momentum: The 5 Marketing Principles That Will Propel Your Business in the Digital Age) by Shama Hyder https://www.amazon.com/Zen-Social-Media-Market