Uphill Conversations

86: Mary Shores – Conscious Communications



In this episode, Tim chats with Mary Shores, author, speaker and, entrepreneur. Mary shares wonderful insights she’s learned over the years born from an unexpected and devastating divorce coupled with the residual sadness of losing her first child, the stress of raising an autistic son and teenager, and the management of a very demanding business. Hitting rock bottom, Mary realized that the words she was using to describe her life were keeping her planted in a state of depression, despair, and hopelessness. OUR CONVERSATION: Becoming a successful CEO at a very young age Progression and growth What Mary learned from a Tony Robbins conference Changing the way a collection agency deals with people The impact of words when you communicate about anything The paradigm shift around money What is ‘Conscious Communications?’ Defining cleanse or clog Connecting with what you want in your life Turning possibilities into probabilities Creating a Daily Desires Diary Understanding that we ar