Uphill Conversations

84: Ellen Tadd – The Infinite View



In this episode, Tim has a very enlightening conversation with Ellen Tadd exploring her new book The Infinite View, the importance of spirituality and how to experience and live with a greater understanding of our total being. OUR CONVERSATION: The watershed event that helped her discover herself How she discovered the spiritual world Clairvoyance and clairaudience Genuine experience and misinterpreted experience Seeing life on earth as a school Attunement The importance of meditation and moving beyond preconceived notions Positivity as our greatest protection The energetic response of thoughts and feelings Being neutral is not strong enough The ‘Third-Eye”,  the center of wisdom How many people are living in the ‘gut’ and the results Life is much clearer when you live with your eyes open How we perceive informs how we feel Anecdote inadequacy with humility Stilling the brain chatter Imagining a ‘Miniature You’ Mistakes are good and necessary for learnin