Uphill Conversations

54: Working with Incompatibility – Relationships + Being Intentional



Tim and Megan have a winding and thought-provoking conversation where they discuss working with different styles, compatibility, relationships and being intentional. Are you living your life on purpose? Show Notes: Memorable 8/21 total eclipse moments for us in Greenville, SC Know yourself, be yourself Importance of discussing differences natural and adaptive work + social styles Advantages and disadvantages of being a solopreneur vs. having a partner One is to small of a number to accomplish anything of great significance Natural predispositions and the dangers of simply staying in your lane Value of opening yourself up to others and new relationships Your accomplishments aren’t your identity Willingness to look at things from another person’s point of view and making adjustments Not allowing habits, past experiences or “ruts” to own your future 10 ways to live a more intentional life Opposites may attract, but building a relationship takes work Diversity, inclusion and