Uphill Conversations

29: Kim Ades – Journaling with Purpose



Kim Ades is the president and founder of Frame of Mind Coaching and JournalEngineTM Software. Author, speaker, entrepreneur, coach, and mother of five, Kim is recognized as one of North America’s foremost experts on performance through thought mastery. Using her unique philosophy and quirky coaching style, Kim helps her clients shift their thinking in order to yield extraordinary results and personal transformation. During our interview Kim shares her unique approach to coaching and her journey as a coach and entrepreneur. She also goes beyond coaching and provides some wonderful insights into how parents and leaders can benefit from thinking differently about how they guide their children and teams. Show Notes: Emotional resilience is a key to business success Kim’s use of journaling to overcome hurdles in personal life The ability to take the negative and turn it into something positive Being able to visualize what you want is necessary to get there How journaling helped Kim to keep her equili