Mind Revolution

The Winning Combination for All Pursuits



My life and business are about achieving outcomes — in my life and the lives of my students and clients. I’ve discovered some patterns related to the way we go about transforming our lives and pursuing outcomes.   These are observations from my life and those in my space, so we’re talking about a group of go-getters who desire personal growth and transformation. These are people with goals, ambitions, and a desire for excellence.   Spoiler alert: You can achieve success and positive outcomes with all of the following combinations, but the winning combination is the one that feels the best in the pursuit of the goal, the one that allows for sustained success — is the last one.   Combination #1: You believe you’re special, magnificent, and worthy — which is great. But instead of taking action and doing the things that align with what you want, you’re waiting for the universe to manifest success for you. You may be waiting for signs that the time is right. This results in a lot of positive thinking but very litt