Mark Dillon's Plant-based Conversations

The Jewish Food Hero: Kenden Alfond



At the age of 12 Kenden Alfond began to eat vegetarian after reading a short book about Gandhi.  Now vegan, she has written The Jewish Food Hero Cookbook where she takes traditional Jewish dishes and shares how to make them with plant-based ingredients.   She has travelled all over the world and believes that a diet is about good health and joyful eating, not body shaming or weight loss. join a private vegan/plant-based mastermind group at Are you looking to hire a coach to help you to eat vegan/plant-based food?  Host Mark Dillon is available for one-on-one coaching sessions.  Visit Check out the blog and join the conversation at or directly to the blog post with all the links mentioned for this episode at   Book mentioned: The Jewish Food Hero Cookbook   Restaurants mentioned: Hum  Down To Earth - Bali Stay in touch at:   Some links may contain affiliations that offer compensation for Mark Dillon and/or