Master Plan

Master Plan #66: Robin D. Laws on RPG Setting Design



Ryan kicks on one of his planned 2015 interview series—this one on setting design in roleplaying games—by talking with luminary and setting veteran Robin D. Laws. Robin's well known for his work in Feng Shui (and the recently Kickstarted second edition), the Dying Earth RPG, and various games using his GUMSHOE and DramaSystem engines. Works that we brought up that you can check out now: Feng Shui 2 (linking to finished Kickstarter page, so you can check it out if you were a backer or in the future) The Esoterrorists, a GUMSHOE game that touches on things Robin finds unsettling Mutant City Blues, a GUMSHOE game dealing with police procedurals that features the Quade Diagram Ashen Stars, Robin's take on the space opera procedural through GUMSHOE Hillfolk and Blood on the Snow, the DramaSystem and its collection of setting pitches If you want more Robin goodness, check out Ken and Robin Talk About Stuff. – Ryan 59:35 /29.2M View on YouTube: