Master Plan

Master Plan #40: Luke Crane on Advancement, Failure & Reward Cycles



On this year-end episode of Master Plan, Ryan publishes an interview he did with Luke Crane back at GenCon. They talk (or as much as one can talk when it's 8am & ones voice is completely shot) about thoughts on building advancements systems in games. Luke shares his thoughts on the subject with his building of Burning Wheel, and they drift to related topics like Failure & Reward Cycles. Luke, frankly, has a lot of interesting stuff to say, provided you don't mind the profanity & poor audio quality. Also, it's the second anniversary of Master Plan. It's been two good years. Here's to a third. Luke Crane: Burning Wheel Mouse Guard RPG FreeMarket Interview with Luke on The Voice of the Revolution, about Mouse Guard My previous interview with Luke Running time: 27:25 / File size: 18.9M Discuss this episode on the forums: