Master Plan

Master Plan #13: The Siren Call of Cool



Ryan tries his new format out with an episode talking about the Siren Call of Cool. He talks about how he's had to deal with problems around cool ideas he's had and thought he had with Know Thyself, and how the sort of problems you might have to deal with when it comes the confidence in your design and dealing with playtesters and people you talk with about your game. He apologizes for the roughness in the editing, but he had to push this out before leaving for GenCon. Know Thyself Master Mines posts Card Deck Ashcan Front Game Chef Some notes for my next idea, "Flood: Apocryphal Roleplaying" Games Mentioned Spirit of the Century PDQ Core Rules Truth & Justice Zorcerer of Zo Dead Inside Questers of the Middle Realms Ninja Burger RPG 2nd ed. Beast Hunters Hero's Banner Agon Polaris Full Light, Full Steam Other Mentions Finis Battlestar Galactica (wikipedia) Go Play Northwest Endgame Minicon Nerdly Beach Party Have Games, Will Travel Sons of Kryos Theory from the Closet Running time: 27:48 / File size: