Master Plan

Master Plan #12: Interview with Bully Pulpit Games



Ryan talks with Jason Morningstar & Steve Segedy of Bully Pulpit Games, about The Shab-al-Hiri Roach and the design & production issues with making a role-playing game that involves a custom deck of cards. Ryan also talks about changes he's planning on making with the format of Master Plan, brings back his Design Watch segment for a brief moment and talks about how to find two things: him at GenCon and other podcasts on the Internet. Bully Pulpit Games Interview Bully Pulpit Games The Shab-al-Hiri Roach Grey Ranks The Roach Returns Mad Irishman Productions Alphagraphics Lulu All these games should be available at GenCon at The Forge Booth/Indie Press Revolution (booth #1739). Design Watch Daniel Solis' single-blog-post summary of Do: Pilgrims of the Flying Temple All of his blog posts tags as "Do" Stargate SG-1 (Wikipedia) Dogs in the Vineyard Buddhism (Wikipedia) Dear Abby (Wikipedia) Avatar: The Last Airbender (Wikipedia) Other Mentions -- A directory of audio and video shows abou