Master Plan

Master Plan #10: Interview with Ken Hite, Playtesting at Go Play NW



This week, Ryan gets gaming luminary Kenneth Hite on the show. They start by talking about Ken's upcoming book, Adventures Into Darkness, and then go into talking about designers notes, pulling from other games and the continuing evolution of game design. Afterwards, Ryan talks about his experiences playtesting at Go Play NW, helping out with A Penny For My Thoughts & Sea Dracula as well as testing his own game, Know Thyself. Games mentioned: Adventures Into Darkness available soon at Ronin Arts Ken Hite's Dubious Shards Ken Hite's Tarot of Cthulhu: Major Arcana d20 by Wizards of the Coast Dogs in the Vineyard by Lumpley Games Dungeons & Dragons by Wizards of the Coast FASERIP Ghostbusters by West End Games (Wikipedia entry) GUMSHOE by Robin Laws Monte Cook Presents: Iron Heroes The Mountain Witch by Timfire Publishing Mutants & Masterminds by Green Ronin Publishing Sorcerer by Adept Press Spycraft 2.0 by Crafty Games Star Trek Roleplaying Gameby Dechiper Thirty by Wicked Dead Brewing Company