Master Plan

Master Plan #9: Interview with Ashcan Front



Ryan interviews Matt Snyder and Paul Czege from The Ashcan Front. They talk about what an ashcan is when it comes to a game development, how to better achieve design goals with ashcans, and about what they're trying to accomplish with The Ashcan Front. Afterwards, Ryan talks briefly about his book now available for pre-order, Finis: A Book of Endings to Give People New Beginnings. The Ashcan Front: The Ashcan Front Interview with Paul Czege on Theory From The Closet Interview with Paul Czege on Canon Puncture Finis: Finis: A Book of Endings to Give People New Beginnnings A PDF of Paul Tevis' story, The Tome (700K PDF) Pre-order now at Indie Press Revolution The pre-order includes a signed copy & a PDF. It ends July 18, 2007. Other Mentions: Gaming Podcast Network Game Chef Paul Tevis's podcast, Have Games, Will Travel Running time: 29 minutes, 24 seconds / File size: 11.7 MB Discuss this episode on the forums: