Master Plan

Master Plan #8: Game Chef and Game Design Duel



Ryan comes back from an impromptu hiatus to talk about what he got out of Game Chef and why he thinks others should do such contests. Then he interviews two Game Design Duelists, Adam Rappold and Justin D. Jacobson, about why they decided to duel, how badly the other person will lose, and their response to using musical scale as a mechanic ingredient. Afterwards, he talks about other podcasts talking about game design, theory & publishing. Game Chef: Game Chef My game, Know Thyself The feedback for my game Game Design Duel: Justin throws down the challenge! Graham reveals the duel's ingredients. Adam's notes on his game, "Sweet, Sad, Song" Justin's notes on his game, "MacGuffin" The final games and voting! Design Watch: Canon Puncture Theory From The Closet Voice of the Revolution Other Podcasts Mentioned: 2d6 Feet in a Random Direction The Butcher Block Gamer: The Podcasting Have Games, Will Travel Sons of Kryos Running time: 32 minutes, 00 seconds / File size: 21.9 MB Discuss this episod