Mind Revolution

Balancing Being and Doing



I look to the people in my space — private clients, those in the Soulful Business Revolution program, and those in the private Facebook group — for inspiration before I recorded this podcast. One thing that’s been coming up lately is the concept of balance. And, wow, we can really be hard on ourselves when we feel like we’re missing the mark.   I believe that the best way to view “balance” is to see it as a concept to aim for because perfect balance doesn’t exist in real life. Our lives are in a constant state of flux and change, and so the balance point is always shifting and moving.   But, believe me, balance is a concept worth striving for. Maybe you’ve heard me say that the balance between doing and being leads to your having.    That bears repeating — the balance between doing and being leads to your having.   I’ve observed that most of us tend to favor one side or the other — doing or being. Some of us do, do, do, do, and we don’t focus on being enough. We’re caught up in doing all the things and trying