Remaking Magic

Re-Making Magic Ep52 - OGW Mechanics Design Review



Join Reuben Covington and Dan Felder for the fifty-second episode of Re-Making Magic, the podcast about game design and custom magic cards. In this episode: We give an update on our progress of Hostile Takeover, our standalone version of High Stakes Magic Dan talks a lot about the game he is working on: Faeria We go in-depth on all the new mechanics of Oath of the Gatewatch We discuss Surge and the "alpha player problem" in 2HG Be sure to check out the Visual Spoiler for OGW You can give us feedback and discuss the episode on the MTGsalvation discussion thread Contact details: Blog: Reuben CovingtonTwitter: @reubencovingtonEmail: reubencovington@gmail.comMTGsalvation Account: Doombringer Dan FelderTwitter: @DesignerDanFEmail: minimallyexceptional@gmail.comMTGsalvation Account: Stairc