

On this week's episode of The Advanced Selling Podcast, Bill and Bryan address the interaction that you will have with CEOs and other top-level owners of companies that are prospects of yours. The guys give you some tips on how you can wire your mind correctly so that you advance your deals and don't sabotage them. The fact is that in your niche, CEOs have trends and issues that are on their mind that you need to know about. The better you can be able to understand the role that the CEO plays in leading their company, the better you will be able to assemble questions and observations that will help them see you as a guide along their path! If you want to have one of the guys at your next sales retreat or kickoff meeting, send them a not to with the subject line "Come see us" to get the conversation started! ========================================= Get your free copy of Outreach's book on Sales Engagement. Just go to and it's all yours!  Looking