The Next Dimension: A Dragon Ball Z Podcast

Episode 34: Point of No Return



What does The Buu Saga and Evangelion have in common? Which 50 Cent music video do Japanese girls get fashion tips from? What makes Donovan claim these episodes as the worst he and Jesse have covered in the podcast thus far? These questions and more are answered in this turning point of an episode, as the guys disagree, debate and discuss the merits and mistakes of the Gotenks vs. Buu fight! It's a fight to the finish for both the characters and the hosts, as the series grows takes more and more risks in its storytelling! Also brought up is the controversy surrounding Mr. Popo, more comparisons between fans of comics and anime, and what in the Buu Saga makes Don and Jesse take a trip down memory lane? You really shouldn't miss this momentus episode, so hurry up and download while there's still a planet to save!
