Physiology Secrets

70. Strength & Conditioning IS NOT all about heavy weights (Guest: Mitch Rowe, Virtus Human Performance)



Too often Strength & Conditioning in the endurance industry is neglected because athletes don't want to "put on size" or "lift heavy weights". The reality is that S&C isn't all about how much you can squat, it is so much more to do with unlocking untapped movement potential which is then accentuated by being able to get stronger or more powerful by lifting weights. We caught up with Mitch Rowe, Performance Coach with Virtus Human Performance to talk about how he's changing athletes performance in the gym before they begin to lift any weight. Mitch Rowe (Instagram): @performancecoach_rowe VIRTUS Human Performance (Instagram): @VirtusPerformance   Got a question about endurance performance you want answered? Let us know, JOIN the METS Mastermind community (link below) to gain access to the FREE Facebook Group and MORE! OR Check out our social pages and send us a message there: Instagram: @metsperformance 
