Geek Each Week

Geek Each Week #99: E3 2019!



Before we begin, I know my audio is off-kilter this episode. I literally haven't touched my mic settings and ran it through the same leveling filters I've always run the Podcast through, so I don't know if I was just twirling around this show or what, but the audio is trash and I'm sorry. In this episode, we have a geek out on E3 2019, even though it happened a month ago. Thanks to a lot of scheduling conflicts, illnesses, more scheduling conflicts, vacations, and a multitude of other things. We're finally back to talk some vidya games. DosmRider joins us yet again because it's fun. I dunno man. Enjoy the show. --- Next Week's Topic: Episode 100, which will either be Spider-Man or a TMNT movie commentary but we're not sure yet because TMNT got taken off of Amazon Prime streaming and now we're not sure what to do. --- You can catch us on Twitter (@GeekEachWeek), Facebook (@GeekEachWeek), or drop us a line at!