Pdr College Podcast- Paintless Dent Repair / Removal Business And Marketing

Friday Short Episode 3 Help a Brotha' Out



Help a Brotha Out! Our buddy Dave Streen had an accident an has burned his hands to the point that he cannot work at PDR for a while. We would like you to go to his tool site and buy his new edge tools, the Hookers, to repair edges with a slide hammer. These little guys will slide between a fender and door while the door is closed! Something no other edge tool will currently do.  Buy the set, help yourself and help a fellow tech out at the same time. Here's the link to his tools Edgy Tools   In addition to that, both Keith and Shane will be donating 20% from all sales on their respective sites from Friday to Sunday night to help Dave and his family. Shane's site Blendinghammer PDR Keith's site http://www.blackplaguepdr.com/