Mercatus Policy Download

Here's to Keeping the Internet Free and Open!



On May 16th, the US Senate voted to repeal a Federal Communications Commission rule that was itself a repeal of the FCC’s 2015 rule intended to change the way the internet is regulated. The double repeal is now awaiting sign off from the House and the President, neither of which seem likely to support it. Still, the legislation has renewed the debate over ‘net neutrality,’ and how policymakers should regulate the internet. Here to unpack those issues are three experts on internet policy issues: Brent Skorup, Senior Research Fellow at the Mercatus Center, specializing in technology policy Roslyn Layton, Visiting Fellow at the American Enterprise Institute, who focuses on telecommunications, internet regulation, and privacy issues Brendan Bordelon, tech and cybersecurity reporter at the National Journal Download this episode and subscribe to the Mercatus Policy Download on Apple Podcasts or wherever you listen to your favorite podcasts.  Follow Chad on Twitter @ChadMReese.
