Being Indispensable

#81 Interview with Lucy Brazier (Part Two)



Hot on the heels of Part One, here is Part Two of my interview with Lucy Brazier, CEO of Marcham Publishing, specialist  publishers  of  Executive  Secretary  Magazine  –  a  global  training magazine dedicated to the professional development needs of senior and aspiring administrative professionals  - Lucy works  with  the best trainers  of Executive Assistants  from  around the world to  deliver the most up to  date and current training in the market. Lucy just also happens to be a thought leader and subject matter expert on the EA/Administrative Assistant/Personal Assistant profession. It was a delight to interview her. One of the key discussion items was the upcoming Executive Secretary LIVE Sydney and Wellington events. In Part Two we also talk about the important initiatives that are happening at the World Administrator Summit and the 2020 event which is taking place in Wellington, New Zealand. To book your place at Executive Secretary LIVE Sydney, please go to