

Olga Szakal, Founder of The Ageless Generation™, is an innovative women’s leader committed to helping Gen X women overcome their mid-life crises and leap into the success they deserve. Based on personal experience, Olga has created a blueprint for turning a mid-life crisis into a period of self-discovery. She teaches women how to design their best life so they can reclaim their voice, build their legacy and make a difference in the world. Olga was born in Siberia, where she earned her bachelor’s degree in English, history and social studies. With $400 in her pocket and a scholarship, she moved to the state of Washington in 1995, where she studied business and marketing. After 17 years working in pharmaceutical sales and real estate and then going through a  divorce, Olga needed to start a new business and a new life for herself and her four children. As the lucky winner at Valuetainment, Olga was blessed to experience the invaluable mentorship of none other than Patrick Bet-David. She soon found herself putti