

Don Hutcheson is a lifelong entrepreneur: an inventor, author, coach and now, podcaster. He hosts the podcast: “Discover Your Talent—Do What You Love,” three days a week in order to help his listeners find their true talents and use those talents to build careers of success, satisfaction and freedom. Over the past 40 years, Don has created six innovative companies in advertising, publishing, coaching, career planning and podcasting. Don co-founded his first business right after he graduated from college. With partner Fred Brown, he created Brown's Guides, a recreational guide book for Georgia and beyond that is still published today. Nine years later he co-founded his first advertising agency, Hutcheson & Anderson.  A few years after that, he co-founded his second: Hutcheson Shutze. After taking an assessment that measured his "natural abilities", as opposed to his interests, skills, IQ or personality, Don was inspired to create his own assessment, The Whole Person Technology™. This was the first-ever hol