

Tom Schwab is a Navy veteran and a digital marketing engineer with a refreshingly different approach to helping solopreneurs, entrepreneurs and small business owners harness the power of the internet. Back in 2009, the Michigan economy was in a deep recession. Initially, Tom’s business survived and thrived but it was clearly not in a healthy, long term way. Pay Per Click was providing over 90% of traffic and sales. To double his growth, Tom had only to double his adwords spend. Yet it wasn’t that simple. Margins always fell while the Cost of Customer Acquisition always increased. Tom realized it was an unhealthy addiction, but feared that if he stopped, so would the business. Then Tom found a way to stop chasing transactions and start building trusting relationships. His was one of the first eCommerce companies to embrace the strategy of inbound marketing. He focused on attracting visitors with great content shared on social media; engaging leads to build trust and add value; and delighting customers with per