

Christy Haussler is the CEO of Team Podcast, a podcast outsourcing business she founded to provide the production, strategy, marketing and promotional support services she couldn't find for her own podcast: Brick and Mortar Reporter. Christy went from corporate cast-off to passionate entrepreneur in a relatively short time and today her list of clients includes more than 50 podcasts. Although she took her college degree in education, Christy quickly decided that the business world was more interesting and more lucrative. Eventually, she became a corporate manager within a Fortune 500 company, specializing in customer relations. But when the company downsized and Christy had to take a position with a small, family-owned business many miles from home, her long daily commute led her to the joyous discovery of podcasts. It was only a matter of time until Christy started her own podcast and one for social good: Brick and Mortar Reporter showcased local businesses, at first in Christy's home town but eventually on