

Tony Woodall is the host and producer of the Goal Getting Podcast. He is also an award winning motivational speaker, a Huffington Post contributor, a mentor, and a coach. Although he never went to college, as both a child and an adult, Tony excelled in school, course work and training. He always ranked highly with exams, frequently achieving 2nd place. He was highly motivated and set ambitious goals for himself from a young age. Tony followed many motivational speakers, purchased their programs and practiced their teachings. He spent time and money attending seminars. He followed all the rules and dreamed big. But in spite of all his efforts, Tony failed to achieve his dreams. It wasn’t until he took hypnosis classes and began to study and understand how the mind works, that Tony discovered it was his own limiting beliefs, passed down through programming like, “You’re not college material,” and “You can’t afford to go to college,” and “You can’t be number one” that were keeping him from achieving his goals. T